In today's world, the internet drives the real estate industry. Hardly anybody buys any kind of real estate without utilizing the internet. It's faster. It's more up-to-date. It's complete. It delivers better and more detailed information. It's visual. It's a whole lot easier to find your dream home. It's effectiveness is proven.
In reality, at any cost there is no better way to market real estate for a quick sale at a top dollar price. There are additional supplementary marketing vehicles and techniques we always employ to accomplish the mission, but internet marketing is rightfully the primary focus for any maximum result. It gets your property in front of the biggest audience of potential Buyers—around the globe—better than anything else. It's not even close.
You have probably heard the story about the infamous bank robber, Willie Sutton. When asked by a reporter why he robbed banks, he replied "Because that's where the money is". In real estate, that same simple logic applies to internet marketing—because that's where the Buyers are.
Nearly all buyers begin their search on the internet to find their dream home. Integrated marketing that targets the right audience of potential buyers is the key to accomplishing our shared mission. With global internet distribution on 197+ real estate websites and pin-point email marketing directed to identified prospects with a declared interest is how successful real estate transactions happen in today's world. Let's get started and make it happen for you.
Selling your home boils down to the value of three main components. The Marketing approach, Brokers and Agents who have excellent skills in negotiating price and closing the transaction, and getting your home ready for sale. It's our shared mission for us to sell it quick and for top dollar to meet your goals. We focus on these three main components. Focusing on them and the flawless execution of them will bring you exactly what you need. Results. A sale for top dollar.
Why do you want to sell your property? Upgrade... Downsize... Relocate... Want a lifestyle property? Knowing the opportunities you are looking for and your financial concerns help us to determine the most appropriate options for your specified financial, lifestyle and real estate goals. It's important. It's a big decision and we want to provide you with the very best service possible for you to realize those goals.
It's all about the visuals as the foundation. Preparing the property for it's photo shoot so the end pictures are the best they can be. Experienced photographers with high-quality professional equipment and awesome post editing skills make it all come together for the big debut. Then the marketing plan is fine-tuned and rolled out. Rolled out far and wide. 197+ real estate websites all over the globe and email blasts to our own pre-qualified lists as well as to other Brokers. Next, the Agent starts working their magic. Contacting known potential Buyers, networking, post cards, emailing, social media, YouTube videos, and even special events if appropriate. Whatever it takes to accomplish the mission. Many listing Realtors get the listing and just sit back and wait for a Buyer's Realtor to deliver a buyer. It happens far more often than not. That's not us. We work hard to develop our own buyers—and we know how to do that because we actually represent a lot of buyers.
There are some tough ones. You have to turn over all the stones to get the mission accomplished when faced with certain factors out of your control. That always separates the elite cherry pickers from the more client-focused Realtors that just buckle-up and get the win.
The Home Search Process. For 44% of recent buyers, the first step that they took in the home buying process was to look online at properties for sale, while 16% of buyers first contacted a real estate agent. The typical buyer who used the internet during their home search, 87% of buyers found photos and 85% found detailed information about properties for sale very useful.
Home Sellers and Their Selling Experience. For all sellers, the most commonly cited reason for selling their home was the desire to move closer to friends and family (16%), that it was too small (13%), and a job relocation (11%). 89% of home sellers worked with a real estate agent to sell their home. For recently sold homes, the final sales price was a median of 99% of the final listing price. 34% of all sellers offered incentives to attract buyers.
For-Sale-by-Owner (FSBO) Sellers. The median age for FSBO sellers is 60 years. 65% of FSBO sales were by married couples that have a median household income of $94,000. FSBOs typically sell for less than the selling price of other homes; FSBO homes sold at a median of $200,000 last year (the same as the year prior), and significantly lower than the median of agent-assisted homes at $280,000. FSBO homes sold more quickly on the market than agent-assisted homes, largely because they sold at prices considerably below market value. 58% of FSBO homes sold in less than two weeks—often because homes were sold to someone the seller knows coupled with the inability to obtain market value offers.
It's important. Contracts, addendums and other documents associated with a successful real estate transaction must be carefully crafted to prevent legal issues down the road. Knowing how to write it right the first time helps to avoid snags and issues as the transaction moves along. Knowing what to look for in other Realtor's documents is essential. Then there is the closing process which demands close monitoring and explicit performance. Our knowledge and experience will help safeguard your interests.
A real estate transaction is no place to trust an inexperienced Broker or Agent. The modern day real estate transaction has many complex parts and processes that need to be carefully prepared, monitored and performed. If we see something that requires legal advice from a licensed attorney, we will know when to recommend that you consult one for a legal opinion. *No Realtor is permitted to give you legal advice. Only an attorney can do that.
Though it may seem like a closing is a lot of complex work, it’s worth the time and effort to get things right without last minute hurrying and stress. It involves many steps and procedural formalities. A lengthy list of things has to happen--mostly in the proper order--before you can close. We will carefully guide you through the entire process keeping your best interests in the forefront.
"We will keep your best interests in the forefront.
Ahead of all others. Ahead of our own.”